Writing English

While writing English, You write the words with Concentration for Pronunciation and Spelling.

Reading English

When you are reading English, You must Concentrate on Spelling, Pronunciation and Meaning of words.

Listening English

When you listen to English Speech or Song, one should Concentrate on Pronunciation and Meaning of words

Talking English

If you are strong in Writing Reading and Listening, You are sure to become Good in talking English.




18 Years

Opening Time

7 Different Batches – Monday to Friday

(“6.30 A.M to 10.30 A.M” & “6.00 P.M to 9.00 P.M” )

Students Strength


During Your Visit,
You may go through the history file of all successful MNA old students.
You may ask for a copy of MNAsyllabus.
You may speak with MNA old students, if you want.

    The Peaceful Class Room

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    M.N.A. Spoken English Center